A Pet-Friendly City: Why your pets will love Bakersfield!

white dog biting rope

Bakersfield, CA is a city that loves its pets, truly making it a pet-friendly city. With so many restaurants and hotels that are pet-friendly, there’s no excuse not to take your furry friend along with you on your next trip! You’ll also find plenty of parks in which you can enjoy the great outdoors with […]

What To Avoid When Living in Bakersfield, CA

Bakersfield, CA Sun

It’s no secret that Bakersfield, CA has its problems. From the smog to the high crime rate, there are plenty of things to avoid when living in this city. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most important things to watch out for if you’re thinking about moving to Bakersfield. […]

The Best Restaurants in Bakersfield, CA

Bakersfield, CA arch

If you’re looking for a delicious meal in Bakersfield, CA, you’ll want to check out some of the city’s best restaurants. Whether you’re looking for great Mexican food or want to take in a bit of the local culture with some barbecue, this list is sure to have something worth checking out. So grab your […]

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